Quivr for Engineers & Developers

Build top-tier products swiftly

Leverage your existing knowledge effectively to maximize its impact and value.
Converse efficiently with your codebase
Improve issue resolution time
Safeguard your engineering team with a help desk
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Get more value from your tools

Leverage your technical tools to spread knowledge internally.
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Leverage your tech stack as a Second Brain

Find answers from across your enterprise

Rapidly grasp new projects and understand technical architectures, processes, and policies with the help of Quivr's RAG and generative AI.

Resolve issues with immediate context

Quickly interpret error codes and receive support during urgent situations with detailed answers from your codebase, chats, documents, and ticketing systems.

Streamline disparate AI tools

Simplify engineering workflows and reduce context switching by consolidating SaaS tools and integrating fragmented AI solutions.
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