Quivr for Sales

Close more deals, faster.

Get ready for meetings and keep accounts well-organized to boost growth and fortify relationships. Improve qualification, prospecting, and closing skills by practicing techniques from demos to handling objections.
Get your human touch at scale
Replicate & iterate on what works
Improve leadership decision-making
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Get more value from your tools

Connect your tools, connect your teams. With our native integrations already available or through our API.
See integrations

Boost your Sales operations without the hassle

Get a full overview of your sales pipeline

Search across your company to understand issues, potential and opportunities to shorten your sales cycle.

Keep up with all your deals

Quivr's generative AI can locate and synthesize information from Hubspot, GDrive, Gmail, Slack, Teams, and other key sources to summarize deal statuses, prepare you for meetings, and much more.

Convert leads into satisfied customers

Locate what you need to answer questions instantly or resolve customer issues.
Trusted by 45k+ teams from